K5 Learning Blog

K5 Learning provides free worksheets and other materials for kids in kindergarten to grade 5.

Math help

Grade 5 students practice exponents. We've created worksheets for practicing reading and writing exponents.

Grammar help

By popular demand, we have addede more vocabulary topics and worksheets to our grade 5 section.

Reading help

Here's an overview of the free vocabulary worksheets we offer to grade 4 students.

Kid's books

Our reviewer, Sheila Welch, reviews some books about adoption in recognition of National Adoption Month.

Grammar help

New prefix, suffix, idioms, similes, and shades of meaning worksheets have been added to our website for grade 2 and 3 students.

Reading help

Additional vocabulary topics such as categorizing words, suffixes and root words.

Math help

There is more than one method to divide fractions. The most commonly used is what is called “invert and multiply”. Here’s how that works:

K5 update

We've made some improvements to our spelling pages to make it easier for you to find the worksheets you need.

Math help

These simple divisibility rules will help your kids make sense of division.