We realize that it can be hard to know what grade the math worksheet you are looking for is in, so we have added the option to search our math worksheets by topic. Here’s where you can find that option on our main math worksheets page:
If you click on the math by topic link, we give you a summary of all our math topics and links to those pages:
Let’s say you are looking for worksheets on adding whole tens to 2-digit numbers, but are not sure if those are covered in grade 2 or grade 3, you can now review our addition worksheets page to find out. There you’ll see those worksheets are covered in grade 3:
Most of you, however, don’t go to our main math worksheets page, but rather use Google to search for math worksheets. Now, when you enter ‘addition worksheets’ in Google search a link to our new addition worksheets page will appear. This will make it easier for you to locate the worksheets you need by topic, rather than by grade.