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Grade 1 Reading Comprehension Worksheets

Comprehension exercises for first grade

These worksheets introduce story elements (characters, plot, setting) and various  comprehension concepts and skills. Some students will need help in reading the texts and exercises.

Compare and contrast worksheets:  recognize how things are "alike" or "different"

Main ideas:  what is the picture or story mostly about?

Sequencing:  place the events in order

Characters:  identify & describe the characters of a story

Plot:  beginnings, endings, problems & solutions

Setting:  identify & describe the setting of a story

Drawing conclusions:  practice "figuring things out yourself"

Text connections:  connect a part of a story to your own life

Cause and effect worksheets:  linking cause and effect

Fact vs fiction:  recognizing the difference between reality and fantasy

Prediction worksheets:  guessing what will come next

The Five W's:  identifying the who, what, when, where and why of a story

Sample grade 1 reading comprehension exercises

Sample grade 1 reading comprehension exercises

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