Fractions, decimals & mixed numbers
These grade 5 math worksheets give students practice in converting between fractions, decimals and mixed numbers.
Decimals to fractions |
Decimals to fractions | 0.26 = |
Decimals to fractions with simplifying | 0.48 = |
Decimals to mixed numbers (tenths/hundredths) | 1.37 = |
Fractions to decimals |
Fractions to decimals (denominator 10, 100) | 14/100 = |
Mixed numbers to decimals (10, 100) | 9 9/10 = |
Fractions and mixed numbers (10, 100, 1000) | 135 / 1000 = |
Fractions to decimals (all denominators) | 3/5 = |
Mixed numbers to decimals | 9 3/5 = |
Fractions to decimals (include repeating decimals) | 12 / 13 = |

Sample Grade 5 Fractions to / from Decimals Worksheet