Verbs worksheets for third grade
Our grade 3 verb worksheets cover normal verb usage, subject-verb agreement, verb tenses including the progressive verb tenses, and the distinctions between action verbs, linking verbs and helping verbs.
Verb usage worksheets
Identifying verbs - circle the verbs in the sentences
Verbs and nouns - circle the verbs and underline the nouns in the word list
Verbs and sentences - identify the verbs and complete the sentences with them
Commonly confused verbs - will / would; can / may; raise / rise / rose
Phrasal verbs - underline the phrasal verbs (e.g. "pick up")
Subject-verb agreement - write the form (singular / plural) of the verb that agrees with the subject
Action verbs, linking verbs and helping verbs
Action verbs - identify and use action verbs in sentences
Linking verbs - identify linking verbs (am, is, are ...) in sentences
Action verb or linking verb? - classify verbs as action verbs or linking verbs
Helping verbs - underline the main verb and circle the helping verb (e.g. have seen)
Verb tenses
Past, present of future? - is the sentence in the past, present or future?
Irregular verbs - complete the sentence using the past tense of the irregular verbs
Past and present tenses - rewrite sentences in the present or past tenses
Progressive verb tenses - write verbs in their past, present and future progressive form
![Sample grade 3 verbs worksheet](/sites/all/files/worksheets/grammar/grade-3-verbs-worksheet.gif)
Sample grade 3 verbs worksheet