K5 Learning Blog

K5 Learning provides free worksheets and other materials for kids in kindergarten to grade 5.

Reading help

Kids learn about multiple meaning words throughout elementary school. We provide the most important words and their multiple meanings.

Math help

We show you four different ways to solve 2-digit addition.

Education world

How to tell the difference between cannot, can not and can't,

K5 update

We've added lots of measurement worksheets for grades 1, 2 and 3.

Math help

K5 Learning explains the difference between discrete and continuous data.

K5 update

If you're looking for worksheets to practice spelling, we have created some for grades 1 to 5.

Math help

Isn’t a number just a number? No, numbers are quite diverse and can be classified in several ways. Cardinal, ordinal and nominal numbers are common number types that we see in our daily lives – but which is which?