Grade 4 math topics
The core math topics covered in grade 4 typically are:
Numbers and Operations
- whole numbers up to the millions
- writing numbers using base 10 and in expanded form
- rounding large numbers to any place
- multiplication of one by 4 digits and 2 by 2 digits
- division of 4 digit numbers by 1-digit numbers
- remainders
- factors and prime factors
- adding and subtracting fractions
- equivalent fractions and comparing fractions
- multiply fractions by a whole number
- converting fractions to/from decimals
- area and perimeter of rectangles and irregular rectangular shapes
- points, segments, lines and rays
- identifying, measuring and classifying angles
- perpendicular and parallel lines
- symmetry
- converting measurements to different measurement units
- measurement word problems involving distance, capacity, weight, time and money
Data Analysis
- displaying a set of data as a line plot
- analyzing data from graphs
The common core math standards for grade 4 are also worth reviewing.
Math worksheets for grade 4
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Grade 4 math workbooks
Our grade 4 math workbooks are shown below; sample pages and tables of contents are available in our bookstore. The workbooks are available individually or as part of our grade 4-7 math bundle.
Numbers and place value in the thousands, ten thousands, hundred thousands and millions. Adding, subtracting, rounding and estimating big numbers. Multiples of 10, 100 and 1,000. | |
Mental addition and subtraction strategies; adding and subtracting in columns and order of operations. Also Roman numerals, money problems and bar and line graphs. | |
Multi-digit multiplication including multiplying in parts, multiplying in columns and order of operations. | |
A continuation of division topics, including long division, averaging and factors. | |
Introducing fractions, mostly for grades 3-4. Concept of a fraction, mixed numbers, comparing fractions, equivalent fractions, adding and subtracting fractions and fractions multiplied by a whole number. | |
Focus on the addition and subtraction of fractions with like and unlike denominators. Also mixed numbers, equivalent fractions and comparing fractions. | |
Introduction to decimals (tenths and hundredths). Adding and subtracting decimals mentally and in columns. Decimals and money. | |
Length, weight, capacity, temperature and time. Focus on conversion between different measuring units. Customary and metric units used. | |
Overview focused on basic plane geometry. Topics include lines, rays and angles; measuring angles; parallel and perpendicular lines, shapes, area, volume. Also rectangular prisms and surface area. | |
Statistics and common graphs and related topics including pictographs, bar graphs, histograms, double bar graphs, multiple line graphs, circle graphs and mean / median / mode. |