Grade 1 math topics
The core math topics covered in grade 1 typically are:
Numbers and Operations
- Counting up to 120
- Place value: tens and ones
- Use place value to add and subtract
- Word problems within 20
- How adding and subtracting relate to each other
- Add and subtract within 20
- The meaning of the equal sign
- Working with equations
- Describe shapes
- Circles and rectangles into parts
- Measure length
- Tell time
- Organize objects
You can find greater detail in the Common Core Math Standards for Grade 1.
Free grade 1 math worksheets
Our grade 1 math worksheets extend significantly beyond core topics and are divided into 13 subject areas:
Number Charts & Counting | Fractions |
Number Patterns | Measurement |
Comparing Numbers | Counting Money |
Base 10 Blocks | Telling Time |
Place Value | Geometry |
Addition | Word Problems |
Subtraction |
Grade 1 math workbooks
Our grade 1 math workbooks are listed below. They are available as part of our grade 1-3 math bundle.
The concept of addition and addition facts within 0-10. Introduces number lines and symbols for addition. | |
Covers 2-digit numbers, with emphasis on "tens and ones". Includes skip counting, rounding to the nearest 10 and adding / subtracting tens. | |
Concept of subtraction and subtraction facts within 0-10. Includes "taking away", counting down and fact families. | |
Adding and subtracting within 0-20, adding doubles, subtraction strategies, completing the next ten, fact families and single digit subtraction facts. | |
Flashcards for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts, 0-12. | |
Basic shapes (rectangles, squares,...), right angles, symmetry, mirror points, perimeter and area. | |
Length, weight and capacity for grades 1-3, including the concept of measuring lengths, weights and volumes. Both standard and metric systems are used. | |
Reading a clock, time intervals, am & pm and understanding a calendar. | |
Introducing fractions, mostly for grades 3-4. Concept of a fraction, mixed numbers, comparing fractions, equivalent fractions, adding and subtracting fractions and fractions multiplied by a whole number. | |
Recognizing coins and bills; counting money, making change and money problems. We also have similar books in other currencies (Canadian money, Australian Money, British Money, European Money and South African Money). |