Fun Activities for Kids

Learning by Doing: Fun Activities for Kids

For those rainy days when you don't know what to do, how about trying one of these fun learning activities for kids? These articles are filled with lots of fun indoor activities for kids.


Fun Measurement Experiments for Kids

Math teacher and mother of 2, Joanne Arcand, shows us how to make a spring scale from items we have at home.



Fun experiment to measure mass


Great Ideas for Teaching Kids to Learn about Measurements

We're bringing you four more fun measurement experiments, including "See how you measure up", "Let your body have part in it", "It's all in the game" and "Measure the big things".


Fun measurement experiments


The Sweet Taste of Ice Cream: Four Things to Unlearn about Taste

How about trying out some of these tricks to learn about taste?


Learn about taste


Quick Diversions with Paper: Some Quick Challenges

Try these challenges using paper and index cards.


Paper and index card challenges


Rocking out Your Morning

Can you name three household things that are made of minerals?


Household rocks and minerals


Our World is Changing - Top Geography Lessons

Test your geography knowledge. Do you know these new facts about our world?


Geography facts


Five Lessons for the Young Food Scientist

Are you game for some food science?


Food science


Top Math/Science Tricks with Snow

You didn’t know that snow could be used for math exercises, did you?


Math science tricks with snow


Paper Beats Rock, Scissors Beat Paper

Do you know how to win at rock, paper, scissors


How to win at rock paper scissors


Oh, the Endless Math Possibilities with Tangrams

Playing with tangrams can help your child learn about fractions.


Tangrams help kids learn about fractions