Learning to Tell Time for Grade 3 Students

Learning to tell time by understanding the space of the minutes involves helping children comprehend the minute hand's movement around the clock face. Here's a guide on how to teach this concept.

Introduction to minutes

Begin by introducing the concept of minutes as smaller units of time compared to hours. Emphasize that there are 60 minutes in an hour.

Minute hand movement

Teach your kids about the minute hand on the clock and explain how it moves around the clock face. Emphasize that each number on the clock represents five minutes.

Counting by fives

Practice counting by fives with the children. Highlight that the minute hand moves in increments of five minutes as it circles the clock.

Identifying minutes

Show your students how to identify different minute positions on the clock. Ask questions like, "What minute does the minute hand point to?"

Visual aids and models

Use visual aids, such as large clock models or interactive online simulations, to demonstrate the movement of the minute hand. Reinforce the idea that each space between the numbers represents five minutes.

Interactive activities

Engage in interactive activities that involve moving the minute hand to different minute positions on the clock. Provide hands-on experiences to reinforce the concept.

Counting minutes aloud

Practice counting minutes aloud as the minute hand moves. Encourage children to count by fives and announce the minute positions as the hand progresses.

Minute intervals

Introduce the concept of minute intervals, emphasizing that each space on the clock represents one minute. Discuss how counting these spaces helps determine the exact minute.

Digital and analog connection

Relate the space of the minutes on the analog clock to the digital representation of time. Show how the minute value changes in both formats.

Grade 3 telling time worksheets

Grade 3 students focus on telling time by five and one minute intervals, as well as estimating time and converting units of time. We have created sets of worksheets for students to work on these concepts.

Time phrases worksheets

Students write the time in digital form on these worksheets.

Telling time phrases worksheets

Telling time by 5-minute intervals

Students are shown analog times at five-minute intervals and asked to write the time in digital form.

Telling time by 5 minute intervals worksheets

Draw the clock at 5-minute intervals

The next set of worksheets, students are given the digital time and asked to draw the hands on a clock-face. They will be practicing five-minute intervals.

Draw 5 minute clock worksheets

Telling time by 1-minute intervals

Students are provided with the time on analog clocks and asked to write the digital form to the minute.

Telling time by 1 minute intervals worksheets

Draw the clock at 1-minute intervals

Still working on one-minute intervals, students are given the time in digital form and asked to draw the hands on analog clocks.

Draw 1 minute clock worksheets

Telling how much time went by

Students are asked to work out how much time elapsed in these worksheets.

Elapsed time worksheets

Telling what time it was and what time it will be at 15-minute intervals

Students are shown a time on an analog clock and asked what time it will be after a certain given time. These worksheets work on 15-minute increments.

15 minute intervals elapsed time worksheets

Telling what time it was and what time it will be at 5-minute intervals

The next set of worksheets work on the same as above at five-minute intervals.

5 minute intervals elapsed time worksheets

Telling what time it was and what time it will be at 1-minute intervals

The next set of worksheets ask students to perform the same exercise at one-minute intervals.

1 minute intervals elapsed time worksheets

Practice estimating time

In these worksheets students are given an activity and a time estimate, then asked if that’s a reasonable time estimate.

Estimating time worksheets

Rounding time worksheets

These worksheets give students practice in rounding time to different time intervals.

Rounding time worksheets

Converting units of time

The final set of worksheets have students converting time between seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks and years.

Converting units of time worksheets


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