Units of time practice
Students are asked how long it takes to do common tasks in these worksheets.

Fast or slow?
Students compare two activities to decide which takes faster or longer to complete.

Is it morning, afternoon or night?
This time of the day worksheet follows the activities of James throughout his day.

Telling time by whole hours
These worksheets ask students to tell time to the whole hour on analog clocks.

Draw the hour on clock faces
Next students are given the time in digital, and are asked to draw the time on analog clock faces. In these worksheets they practice time to the hour.

Tell the time by half hours
Students move onto practice telling time by half hours.

Draw time by half hours on clock faces
To continue practicing telling time by half hours, students draw the time on these worksheets.

Tell the time by quarter hours
These harder worksheets, ask students to tell time to the quarter hour.

Draw the time by quarter hours on clock faces
Students are given times by the quarter hour and asked to draw the time onto clock faces.

Elapsed time worksheets
Students are given the time on one clock face and asked to draw the time one hour later on a clock face next to it.

Practice what time it will be in time segments
Next students add more hours to the clock face. For example, what time will it be in five hours?

Time and elapsed time word problems
The final set of worksheets present students with telling time word problems.