Teaching Kids About Nature With Engaging Animal Characters

In our children’s book authors series, Jannifer Powelson tells us about the adventures of the characters she has created: Rachel Racoon and Sammy Skunk. Her first two books teach kids about nature as they discover plants with their “two new pals”.   

By Jannifer Powelson


Big Bluestem in prairies and Purple Trillium in springtime; Spiderwort in summer and Dutchman's Breeches in the forest; these are a few of my favorite things! These are also a few of the plants featured in Rachel and Sammy Visit the Prairie and Rachel and Sammy Visit the Forest, the first two books in an educational children's series that I write.

Incorporating Plant Photography into a Children’s Book
My name is Jannifer Powelson, and I live with my husband and two daughters in Princeton, Illinois. I grew up on a farm and majored in biology in college. I work as a conservationist for a soil and water conservation district. Shortly after my first daughter was born in 2003, I had the idea to incorporate prairie plant photos that I took while conducting research on raccoons, into a children's book.

Teaching Kids to Identify Plants

The books contain entertaining storylines, as Rachel Raccoon and Sammy Skunk hike first in a prairie and then in a forest and teach each other to identify the plants they see while hiking. Beautiful and realistic illustrations (by Kalpart Team) and colorful photographs aid children with plant identification. These books are geared toward early grade school children but can be great educational tools for anyone.

Next Book is About Trees


I am planning to write more Rachel Raccoon and Sammy Skunk books, and my third book, Rachel and Sammy Learn About Trees should be released in Spring 2012. I enjoyed writing the tree book, and taking photos was a grand adventure. I have been observing nature for decades, but my appreciation increased while capturing unique photos for the tree book.

Rachel and Sammy Learn About Trees is somewhat different in format than the first two books. I added new characters, and a whole class of cute animals take a field trip to learn about photosynthesis, tree anatomy, the importance of trees, and other interesting tree information. Readers are exposed to several types of trees from the 32 photos included in the book. 

Educational Programs about Nature Learning for Kids

In addition to writing the stories and taking the photos, I spend much time promoting my books through educational programs and book events. My daughters, Alexandra and Brenna, are the perfect age to read the books, and they inspire me to continue writing. I value their input and ideas, and by involving them with the books, my girls are learning about plants, writing and the creative process.

Jannifer is employed as a conservationist and resides in Princeton, Illinois with her husband and two daughters. She enjoys reading, writing, photography, and travel. She is completing work on her next book entitled: “Rachel and Sammy Learn About Trees”.  You can reach Jennifer at:

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