We’ve grouped the spelling practice worksheets by word families.
Two letter blends
Spelling al, cc, ch, ei and el words.
Spelling et, ew, ge, ie and il words.
Spelling it, le, lt, or and ph words.
Spelling ue, ui, ur, wh and xc words.
Three and four letter blends
Three letter blend words: age, ain, ant and ary words.
Three letter blend words: ear, eer, ent, ery and ice words.
Three letter blend words: ine, ise, ize, ory and ure words.
Four letter blend words: cher, edge, idge and sher words.
Soft c words and soft g words
Prefixes and suffixes
Prefixes: de, dis, im, in and ir words.
Prefixes: mis, pre, re and un words.
Suffixes: able, ation, dom, hood, ible and ly words.
Suffixes: ment, ous, ship, sion and tion words.