Grade 1 Vocabulary Workbook

You may have noticed that we have updated our vocabulary worksheets sections for grades 1 – 5 with more variety of exercises. To complement those exercises, we are also creating vocabulary workbooks for further practice. Our grade 3 vocabulary and grade 4 vocabulary workbooks were published late last year. Our latest addition is the grade 1 vocabulary workbook.

New grade 1 vocabulary workbook

Like our other vocabulary workbooks, every lesson starts with a word list and definitions. Following are four exercises to practice the words. Those exercises include identifying words by pictures, selecting definitions of words by multiple choice, synonym and antonym exercises, crosswords, matching sentences to pictures, context clues, completing sentences with words from a word bank, among others.

There are 30 lessons in total. Each lesson covers 10 vocabulary words.

A review of a vocabulary lesson

Let’s take a look at some of the exercises we cover in the grade 1 vocabulary workbook. Here’s a focus on Lesson 10.

Word list

It starts with a list of words and definitions – presented in a dictionary style. This will save you time from flipping through a dictionary.

grade 1 vocabulary word list

Circle the word

In the first exercise, students are asked to circle the word that matches the picture. For extra practice they also have to write the word on the line provided.

grade 1 vocabulary circle words


Next students are presented with two definitions and have to select the correct one for each word.

grade 1 vocabulary definitions


Using the word list as word clues, students have to solve the crossword.

grade 1 vocabulary crossword


Putting the words in context, students have to read the sentences and match them to the correct picture.

grade 1 vocabulary sentences

Answer sheet

After each lesson an answer sheet is provided.

grade 1 vocabulary answer sheet

You’ll find the grade 1 vocabulary workbook in our bookstore.

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