How to convert decimals to fractions

Decimals can be expressed as a fraction. Converting decimals to fractions is usually a two-step process:

1.    Depending on the number of decimal places, convert the fraction using tenths, hundredths, thousandths, etc.
2.    Simplify the fraction to the lowest common term.

Let’s demonstrate this with an example:

The decimal is 0.4.   

Convert the fraction

Write down 0.4 divided by 1

decimals to fractions
Now, multiply both top and bottom by 10 for every number after the decimal point.

In our example, there is one number after the decimal point, so multiply by 10.

decimals to fractions

This chart is a more visual way to show decimals as common fractions.   

decimals to fractions

Simplify the fraction

Let’s move onto the second part: simplifying the fraction.

This is best demonstrated with an example.
The decimal is 0.64. Now we need to convert it into a fraction.

decimals to fractions

The common factors of 64 and 100 are 1, 2 and 4
The greatest common factor is 4
Divide both numbers with 4
64 ÷ 4 = 16
100 ÷ 4 = 25


decimals to fractions

The fraction in its simplest form is:

decimals to fractions

In our grade 4 math section, we have free worksheets to practice converting decimals to fractions.


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