Integers Practice for Grade 6 Students

Number line games

Draw a large number line: Use the floor or a wall to make a giant number line with masking tape or chalk.

Jump on the line: Call out an integer (e.g., -3 or +4), and have students move to that position.

Adding and subtracting with jumps: Ask students to start at a certain number and then move left or right based on addition or subtraction.

Integer war (card game)

Materials: Deck of playing cards (assign red cards as negative and black cards as positive).

How to play: Each player draws two cards, finds the sum, and the player with the higher sum wins that round.

This activity helps in visualizing adding and subtracting positive and negative numbers.

Real-life situations

Temperature Changes: Discuss temperatures below and above zero, using different cities' temperatures as examples.

Bank account balance: Talk about deposits (positive integers) and withdrawals (negative integers).

Integer addition and subtraction puzzles

Create puzzles: Set up simple puzzles where students have to find missing integers to complete the equation (e.g., -3 + __ = 2).

This reinforces understanding through hands-on problem-solving.

Integer word problems

Create word problems related to daily life, such as sea level changes, elevator movements, or bank account transactions.

Example: "If you have $50 and you spend $30 (represented by -30), how much do you have left?"

Classroom battleship with integers

Set up a grid like the classic Battleship game but with both positive and negative coordinates.

This helps students become familiar with plotting integers on a coordinate plane.

Integer bingo

Prepare bingo cards with different integer expressions (like -4 + 3 or -2 - 5).

Call out the resulting values, and students mark off the correct answer on their cards.

Grade 6 integers worksheets

In our grade 6 math section, we have a page of worksheets that cover addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of integers.

Addition of integers worksheets

Students work on adding integers with the absolute value of ten in this first set of worksheets.

Addition of integers worksheets

Practice adding integers from -30 to 30

These addition worksheets deal with integers between – 30 and 30.

Adding integers worksheets

Addition of three integers

Next, students add three integers, a more difficult level.

Adding three integers worksheets

Addition of four integers

The final set of addition worksheets, have students add four integers.

Adding four integers

Missing addends in adding integers

Next, we move onto missing addends in adding integers.

Adding integers with missing addends

Adding three integers with missing addends

These harder worksheets have students work on adding three integers with missing addends.

Adding three integers with missing addends

Subtracting integers worksheets

Students practice subtracting integers in these easier worksheets.

Subtract integers worksheets

Practice integer subtraction from -30 to 30

These harder worksheets have students practice subtracting integers.

Subtract integers worksheets

Integer multiplication worksheets

Students move onto multiplying digits in these worksheets.

Multiplying integers worksheets

Integer multiplication with missing factors

In these worksheets, students are asked to work out the missing factors in multiplying integers.

Multiplying integers worksheets

Whole tens integer multiplication

These final multiplication worksheets, have students multiplying integers by whole tens.

Multiplying integers by whole tens worksheets

Division of integers worksheets

Students work on dividing integers in these worksheets.

Dividing integers worksheets

Division of integers with missing numbers

These harder worksheets have students work out the missing numbers in dividing integers.

Dividing integers with missing numbers
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