Grade 5 Spelling Workbook Updated

Our new grade 5 spelling workbook has students practice high frequency words, long vowel and other vowel pattern words, prefix and suffix words, loan words, double consonants, Latin origin and Portmanteau words.

Grade 5 spelling workbook

Grade 5 spelling workbook

This workbook focuses on spelling:

  • Sight words at the grade 5 level, such as syllables, language and machine.
  • Long vowel and other vowel pattern words.
  • Prefix and suffix words.
  • Latin origin and loan words.
  • Double consonant words and Portmanteau words.

Structure of the workbook

Each section starts with exercises to practice tracing, writing and rewriting a set of words, such as aerial, vertical and actual.

Grade 5 spelling practice

Following those worksheets, we combine the sets of words into four pages of spelling exercises. Here are two example pages:

Grade 5 spelling exercise


Grade 5 spelling exercises

Answer pages included

Answer pages for all exercises are included at the back of the book.


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