Grade 2 Place Value Practice

In second grade, students typically delve into more advanced concepts related to place value in mathematics. Here's an overview of what grade 2 students learn in place value.

Understanding three-digit numbers

Recognizing and understanding the place value of ones, tens and hundreds in three-digit numbers.

Reading and writing numbers

Reading and writing numbers up to 999.

Representing numbers in standard form.

Expanded form

Expressing numbers in expanded form, breaking them down into hundreds, tens and ones (e.g., 146 as 100+40 + 6).

Comparing numbers

Using the symbols (<, >, =) to compare two-digit numbers.

Ordering numbers from least to greatest and vice versa.

Place value models

Using visual models like base-10 blocks or drawings to represent and understand place value.

Number patterns

Identifying and extending number patterns related to place value (e.g., 24, 34, 44, 54).

Understanding the concept of zero

Recognizing the role of zero as a placeholder in two- and three-digit numbers.

Place value charts

Working with place value charts to organize and understand the value of digits in different place positions.


Developing estimation skills by rounding two-digit numbers to the nearest ten, and three-digit numbers to the nearest hundred.

Grade 2 place value and rounding worksheets

In our grade 2 math area, we have a section dedicated to place value and rounding worksheets.

Practice building 3-digit numbers

In these worksheets, students practice building 3-digit numbers by adding multiples of ones, tens and hundreds.

Building 3-digit numbers worksheets

Inserting the missing place value in 3-digit numbers

From the expanded form of 3-digit numbers, students find the missing place value.

Missing number place value worksheets

Writing 3-digit numbers in expanded form

Next, students write 3-digit numbers in expanded form.

Writing 3-digit numbers in expanded form worksheets

Writing 3-digit numbers in standard form

Students practice writing 3-digit numbers in normal form in these worksheets.

Writing 3-digit numbers in standard form worksheets

Hundreds, tens and ones worksheets

Students identify the value of the underlined number of 3-digit numbers as either hundreds, tens or ones.

Hundreds, tens and ones place value worksheets

Comparing numbers

Students practice comparing numbers up to 100 and up to 1000 in these sets of worksheets.

Comparing numbers worksheets

Practice ordering numbers

Students are asked to order four numbers from the smallest to the largest.

Ordering numbers worksheets

Rounding numbers to the nearest 10 (0-100)

Students round 2-digit numbers between 10 to 99 to the nearest 10.

Rounding numbers to the nearest 10 worksheets

Rounding numbers to the nearest 10 (0-1000)

Next, they work on rounding numbers between 1 – 999 to the nearest ten.

Rounding numbers to the nearest 100 worksheets

Rounding to the nearest hundred

These worksheets cover rounding to the nearest hundred in numbers between 100 to 1000.

Rounding to the nearest 100 worksheets

Rounding to the nearest ten or hundred

The final set of worksheets ask students to round numbers to the nearest 10 or 100.

Rounding to the nearest 10 and 100 worksheets

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