Grade 1 reading comprehension exercises
We have created a whole new section that helps students practice reading comprehension concepts, such as main idea, sequencing, characters, plot and setting. Here are the worksheets included in this section.
Compare and contrast worksheets
Students read a passage with their parents or teacher and then examine ways in which things are alike and different.
Exploring main ideas
In these worksheets, students identify the main idea of a text or picture that represents a story.
Sequencing worksheets
These sequencing worksheets have students label sentences by their order.
Characters practice
Next, students read or listen to a story and then identify and describe the characters in that story.
Plot of stories
These worksheets have students working on the plot of a story.
Setting of stories
Next, students work on the settings of stories.
Drawing conclusions worksheets
Students are given two options to draw conclusions to short stories in these worksheets.
Text connections
Next, students make connections between texts and their own experiences.
Cause and effect practice
Students identify causes and effects in a series of short texts.
Fact vs. fiction
These worksheets have students practice whether sentences are fact or fiction.
Prediction worksheets
Students read a short story and asked to select the picture that best represents what happens next.
Practice the five w’s
The final set of worksheets ask students to identify the who, what, when, where and why of stories.