How to Convert Fractions to Percent

Apart from the obvious use of a calculator to convert a fraction to percent, there are three methods you can use. Let us take you through them.

Multiply top by 100

Let’s show you in an example:

What is 6/8 as a percent?

Fractions to percent

Multiply the top number in the fraction by 100.

Fractions to percent

Then divide that number by the bottom number.

Fractions to percent

Change the fraction to ?/100 form


Convert ¾ to a percent.

Find a number you can multiply the bottom of the fraction by to get 100.

Fraction to percent

Multiply both top and bottom of the fraction by that number.

Fraction to percent

Write down just the top number with the "%" sign.

Fraction to percent

Use proportions to convert the fraction to percent

As a percent is a ratio (parts per 100) we can use proportions to do the conversion.

Here’s the formula:

Fraction to percent

Example: convert 5/16 to percent.

Fraction to percent

You multiply across the known corner:

Fraction to percent

and divide by the third number:

Fraction to percent

Percent = (5 x 100) / 16 = 500 / 16 = 31.25%

Fractions to percent worksheets

In our grade 6 math section, we have a series of worksheets to help students practice converting fractions to percent.

Fraction to percent worksheets for grade 6 students

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