We have a section on cursive writing worksheets, starting with letters, then letter joins, words, sentences and short stories. We’ve made improvements to our handwriting worksheets (they’ve been given a facelift with a fresher design) as well as the pages from which you access those worksheets.
Cursive alphabet worksheets
We’ve created individual pages for each of our alphabet worksheets to make it easier to see what they look like. When you go to the cursive alphabet page, you’ll still see links to each worksheet page:
When you click on a link, you’ll be taken to the new pages. Here’s the one for the letter A:
This way you can more easily see what each page looks like before you click to print them. At the bottom of each page are links to the next letters, or if you prefer to go back to the list of letters, click on the cursive alphabet link at the top of the page.
Cursive letter join worksheets
The cursive letter joins page has undergone more changes. The cursive joins page now looks like this:
We thought a table format would be easier to scan for the exact letter joins you want.
Each cursive joins section now has a new page. Here what the bottom letter joins looks like:
Again, we thought this would be easier to digest and navigate than the previous version. We’ve combined sets of joins rather than provide single pages for each letter join.
Cursive words worksheets
Similar to the cursive alphabet page, our cursive words pages start with a page displaying the links to all the pages.
Once you click on a specific letter, you are taken to an individual page for that word, with links to the next words at the bottom. Here’s the page for the ‘a’ words:
Cursive sentences worksheets
We’ve made it easier to access each worksheet on our cursive sentences page:
Cursive passages worksheets
Our cursive passages pages look entirely different from before. Our section page now provides an easier overview of the selection of passages:
You’ll also see we have added 10 new worksheets covering limericks and popular nursery rhymes.
Each worksheet page now clearly shows each individual worksheet so that you can more easily decide whether to print them. Here’s one of our new limerick pages:
We hope these changes will make it easier for you to navigate our cursive writing worksheet section.