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After-school studying for K-5

We believe it’s important to support parents and teachers in helping kids master their reading, math and science skills.

For parents:

As a parent it’s hard to know exactly what your kids are supposed to learn in each grade. At K5 Learning we make that easier for you. On our web site you have access to grade-level reading you, math and science worksheets as well as grade-level workbooks. 

For teachers:

As busy teachers, we know you are on the constant lookout for quality reading, math and science worksheet and workbooks to use in the classroom.

You’ll find our free worksheet sections easy to navigate to find the exact worksheets you need. Our inexpensive workbooks are a great supplement to your curriculum. 

Kindergarten to grade 5 math and reading worksheets

K5 provides reading, math and science worksheets organized by grade or by topic, making it easy to find the worksheets you need for further study. The worksheets are free to use and you don’t need to register to use them.


K5 Learning free worksheets

Cost-effective math and reading workbooks

K5 also offers math and reading workbooks available as PDF downloads for more in-depth learning. Teachers and parents download the workbooks, and save them on their computers to allow them to print the pages as they need them. 

Parent and Teacher Reviews

Read what parents and teacher have to say about our worksheets and workbooks.